Classic Picture Books Recommendation II for Ages 5-6

3rd November 2020

Are your children reluctant to take a bath when it is time to come? They don’t really pay attention to personal hygiene and often get sick because of it? Although parents are teaching their children patiently, they might still keep their own habits. Today we are going to share a story which is called “Harry the Dirty Dog”. While learning English, let’s see how it became a clean dog!

Harry the Dirty Dog is written by Gene Zion and illustrated by his wife Margaret Bloy Graham in 1956. This picture book is named by the New York Public Library as one of the 100 Picture books Every Child should know. Harry is a white dog with black spots, and hates taking baths. To escape taking a bath, Harry buries the scrubber in the yard and runs away in the streets. Getting very dirty, Harry becomes a black dog with white spots. Tired and hungry, he returns home but no one in the family recognizes this stranger! Find out in this picture book how he returns to his family at last.

Personally, I like to involve performance body language and engage in the illustrations during storytime. Parents can act out and show getting a bath or pretend to be Harry burying the scrubber, so the child has a better understand and impression on new phrases.

I also allow the child to obverse the differences in the illustrations of Harry as a white dog with black spots, and as a black dog with white spots, so the child can explore with his imagination. This builds up the child’s anticipation and enhances their imagination!

The intensive vocabulary in the picture book is incredible for teaching children comparatives and superlatives, such as dirty – dirtier – the dirtiest and slow – slower – the slowest. Your child can be more engaged through their observation in the illustrations. What happens after Harry avoids the bath? Does it become dirtier? Children can learn about the importance of hygiene through the consequences of not taking a bath, and parents should be ready to discuss and keep an open mind. Fantastic for mums dealing with children who do not like baths!

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